Lorraine Elkins and her husband Stu took their first ever trip to Mallorca hoping to buy property on the island. Lorraine had taken early retirement from the banking sector and was keen to indulge her taste for living abroad. When Lorraine and Stu met Charles Marlow everything fell into place.
Looking for somewhere with soul
Mallorca, and especially the north-west, was everything Lorraine expected it to be and she felt at home right away. “The scenery was outstanding and the towns full of charm, with great restaurants and cafés. It was just perfect. This and the great climate, even in winter, made the decision to buy in Mallorca very easy.”
But, Lorraine was determined to buy in a village or town that “had some soul and wasn’t just alive for the holiday season. We wanted restaurants close by. My husband Stu is a keen cyclist so the cycling and walking had to be good.”
Falling in love with Fornalutx
Lorraine first came across Fornalutx on the Charles Marlow website. After a little bit of research, she gave the village a tentative thumbs-up. But, she says, her research didn’t prepare her for walking onto a movie set. “The village is so beautiful and far exceeded my expectations. It’s a special place, full of charm, soul by the bagful and friendly locals. What’s not to love?”
Charles Marlow every step of the way
For Lorraine, the actual process of buying in Mallorca was fairly simple and straightforward and Charles Marlow was with her every step.
“A massive part of our buying experience was the support given by Charles Marlow,” Lorraine explains. “From the initial contact about viewing properties to negotiating the purchase, to actually owning La Casa Dos and then renovating it, Charles Marlow has been there all the way. I’d likely have bought sooner than I did if I’d known I’d have that kind of support available. I would say to anyone thinking to buy abroad – and now’s a great time – talk to Charles Marlow. You’ll wonder why you didn’t buy in Mallorca sooner.”
Helping Lorraine achieve her vision
Lorraine had very definite ideas for La Casa Dos, the house she and Stu fell in love with in Fornalutx. She wanted to bring the house into the 21st century without losing its charm and character. Her vision was to “open the place up, give it a big house feel and a chic Mediterranean look with equal measures of luxury, comfort and practicality.”
To realise the vision of Lorraine and Pat Renson, her interior designer, would take the right builder. Fortunately, Patrick of Charles Marlow was able to recommend a local artisan builder who’d achieved a similar affect to what Lorraine was looking for in Deia.
A thrilled Pat says: “the finished house probably exceed my expectations and I was so pleased to have La Casa Dos featured in a UK Interior Design magazine – my gold medal moment!”
Keeping the Charles Marlow connection
Today, Lorraine and Stu spend around three to four months a year in Mallorca. Recently, Stu completed the Mallorca 312 cycling event which involves cycling the island in around 13 hours. Lorraine’s lifestyle on the island is a little more laidback and includes “relaxing in the Fornalutx placa with chums”.
La Casa Dos is available for rent via the Charles Marlow site, with bookings into 2016 and Lorraine is happy to maintain her Charles Marlow connection. “Even now,” she says, “I can drop them a note to ask the ‘Do you know anyone who can…?’ question. They’re always willing to advise. I have to say, the Charles Marlow experience is way above anything I’ve ever had or even expected.”
Thank you, Lorraine.
See what Lorraine achieved with La Casa Dos